The lowdown on logos – how much should I invest?


If I was to take a poll of the number one question asked by start-up entrepreneurs, ‘how to get started with a logo’ would shoot to the top of that list.

Time and time again, I see this question pop up in social media groups for start-up hospitality ventures and I can’t say I’m surprised, the world of branding can be incredibly overwhelming. 

A logo is quintessentially the representation of your brand in the form of an emblem, graphic, colour, font or design. However much it costs to produce, your logo has the power to become so distinctly recognisable that from the moment someone’s eyes are set on it, they’re transported to the smell, taste and feel of visiting your business. This is why firstly having a logo and secondly, investing in one that aligns with your business goals is so important. 

I get it. Launching your venue is no mean feat! The cost of the venue fit-out, purchasing stock, arranging your licensing and registrations, recruiting staff let alone actually getting people in the venue, truly adds up. The dwindling funds and shopping list that feels never ending means that by the time it comes to your logo, you’re conflicted about how much to really spend. 

So how do you decide how much to invest in your logo?

You can have a logo made with an investment of $5 or $50,000. Truly! In fact, you can also do it yourself for free. This variance in logo cost is one of the leading contributors to logo confusion – why does this one cost thousands more than the other?

I always like to reassure my clients that there is never a right or wrong answer to how much one should invest in their logo, it just needs to deliver. I liken logo design to fitting out a venue – it always begins with understanding what needs and goals it needs to fulfil, what the budget looks like and whether it’s part of a long-haul venture into hospitality waters or just a quick dip. 

There’s nothing wrong with a simple approach to creating an identity for your business, if that aligns with your goals but when you’re wanting to build a legacy, your brand encompasses more than a logo – it needs an identity. When you lay a strong foundation, get your strategy right, the path forward is one of purpose, passion and, more likely, profitability. 

Of course, a logo alone will be a much cheaper road to take, however you will need to invest ongoing time in educating yourself to build up your brand and connect with your customers. This road can be painful, expensive, exhausting and draining of your time – too much hustle and not enough hush. 

A few months down the track, you’re left wondering why your sales aren’t where you expected them to be and why those in-demand Friday night reservations are almost always available. 

When choosing who to work with on your brand, here’s a few options:

Lightly sparkling

This is more often than not, the do it yourself or online logo generator option. It is most definitely the cheapest of the options that can leave you spending excess time on ‘getting it right’, reputation challenges, a disconnected audience and the hidden costs that come with these.  


Generally, a freelance designer who is focused on the aesthetic side of the logo rather than the long-term strategy or business objectives. They make that logo look fabulous, but does it really make sense for your brand and your customer? 


You have the option to work with a studio who will collaborate with you to build your brand and reach your business goals. These can range in size, approach, speciality and cost. 

Vintage Bordeaux 

When you’ve brought in the big guns – an agency. Often a very large team and investment, this approach takes the work completely off your hands thanks to their well-equipped team. Great if you have a big budget but are time poor.

So, where does Hustle+Hush fit into the equation?

We’re a boutique agency specialising in branding, strategy and website solutions for the Australian hospitality scene. Harnessing decades of hospitality and marketing expertise, we speak your language to provide authentic and affordable solutions that welcome customers through your doors. We offer our clients the skill, knowledge and resourcing of a full-scale agency, without the hefty price tag. 

None of these options are right or wrong, but it is important to consider which path is right for your business.

When working with us, we meet you where you’re at in that moment. We focus on the essentials to get your venue up and running and welcoming customers through the doors.  

Regardless of your investment, we always get the foundation right and bolt on additional elements when you’re ready and when your budget allows. We’ve been there, we get it, and now it’s time for us to give back in the best way we know how. 

We hope this blog brings clarity to a very big (and often confusing) decision. If you’d like to chat to us about kickstarting or tweaking your logo, book your 30-minute discovery call here


Michelle Dawson

I’m a hospitality expert, brand strategist, business consultant and dog lover (not necessarily in that order). Founder of Hustle + Hush, a boutique marketing agency specialising in branding, strategy and website solutions for Australia’s most innovative hospitality venues and suppliers.

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